Kate | Senior

Oh wow, I haven't posted a senior shoot in a while.  I don't often post senior photos but this one left me smiling so big, with a new friend in Kate and a few thoughts on unexpected joys. 

As hard as it is in life, I've been learning slowly but surely to turn every corner of life with more curiosity, thankfulness and open handedness. As someone who has always struggled with heavy anxiety and battles crazy personal standards, unending checklists and fear of opinions, learning to be present has been hard.

As an unexpected mercy from the Lord, photography has been a gateway for more grace in presence. Finding surprising joy in showing up. being curious about real stories and real people. laughing a lot and fully entering into the joys of all thats in front of me. It's taught me a lot about what it means to be human and ultimately soak in more and more daily grace. 

So, you probably didn't expect that from a senior shoot. Neither did I. How cool is that?

Check out the beautiful and magical, Kate Scott.